(Quelle: EASA)

In a move aimed at fostering workplace inclusion, Luc Tytgat, Acting Executive Director of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), has officially endorsed the Agency’s new Gender Equality Plan.

This initiative reaffirms EASA’s commitment to equality and sets the stage for cultivating a diverse and supportive work environment. Key highlights of the plan include its strategic foundation, the promotion of managerial toolkits and training programmes, and its alignment with the core values of the EU institutions and other European equal opportunity initiatives.

EASA has opted for an incremental approach, with plans to expand the scope beyond gender-related issues in the future, to address a comprehensive range of diversity and inclusion initiatives.

In a commitment to transparency, EASA will provide regular reports on the progress of the Gender Equality Plan and future expansion efforts. These reports will be made accessible to the public, fostering an environment of accountability and shared learning.

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